Parents are expected to work with Wizkids Club staff to highlight any known needs your child has.To inform us of anything that may either affect your child’s learning or help them to progress.
â–¡ I will support my child’s development by ensuring I read my child’s communication book and progress reports.
â–¡ I agree to work alongside Wizkids Club Staff to improve my child’s communication in areas such as team work, attitude towards others, courtesy and sharing.

â–¡ I give consent to Wizkids Club to communicate with my child’s school teacher regarding my child’s homework needs via the Wizkids Club communication book. I will encourage my child to take this book to school with them so that their teacher can review it periodically and make comments where necessary.
â–¡ I agree to attend parental activities such as “Parents verses Wizkids Quiz Night”, Musical Performances and events that my child is involved in.
About our Payment Schedule
We have flexible payment terms. you can enjoy our Monthly, Weekly or pay per use terms.
We also have special terms and discounts for Students, Part -Time or Unemployed Parents. please call for me details